Thursday, May 15, 2014

Amanda Shares:

Here we go guys! This is what I have been promising every day that I have shared and shared information about Skinny Fiber! Here is my LIFE, my story, my JOURNEY!

My name is Amanda, and here is my story! I am a 26 year old Mother of beautiful little sassy GIRLS, and will soon be marrying the love of my life after 6 years together. BOUT TIME. Lol.

I was born very premature at 28 weeks; and weighed 3lbs at birth! I was small as a child, and stayed very active. It wasn't until puberty that I started to put on weight. I was always very athletic and involved in school activities (soccer, color guard, marching band, mcjrotc, FBLA, FCCLA, choir, drama, ballet, jazz, tap, debate~YOU NAME IT!) I walked everywhere with my friends, and was the furthest thing from a couch potato. My weight gain just never made since!! It affected my self confidence terribly. KIDS ARE MEAN. I was teased, talked about by many, and dumped by meanie boys I don't know HOW many times for being "too fat!" I hated myself every time I looked in the mirror. I even gave up dancing. My passion!!

The weight carried into adulthood. I was blessed with 2 beautiful little girls in 2006 and 2009 but had c-sections with both, as I was high risk and preeclamptic both pregnancies. I could not be nearly as active as I wanted to be in the early postpartum days. I was able to drop more weight after having my 2nd daughter due to breastfeeding on demand. When my 2nd daughter Lilly was about 3 months old, I had an acute gallstone attack that put me on an operating table within hours. After having my gallbladder removed, I put on MORE weight..There went my self esteem even more!

In November of 2012, I began having terrible pain in my lower back. After days of misery, my fiance finally dragged me to the hospital. The doctor was a bit concerned, but did not think I had anything seriously wrong. At best, he assumed kidney stones, and ran a CT. I will never forget the way that he came into my room, apologizing, and giving me the scariest news of my life. In my right ovary, there was a rare tumor, called a Teratoma. It was bigger than a golfball, and INSIDE of my ovary vs ON it. (This is rare for teratoma's.) The weight gain that I underwent the moment I grew into a little woman, now made more sense. Teratoma's are formed in the WOMB before you are even born. This went undetected my entire life, as it was very tiny. They believe that it grew to it's capacity about 6 months or so before it was discovered; and also believe that it was a major cause of my weight gain.

Of course, I would have to undergo another abdominal surgery to have it removed. Thank you LORD, the tumor was NOT cancerous! When I underwent surgery on January 8th, 2013 there were many complications! The doctor could not even SEE my ovary, due to the numerous amounts of scar tissue. I ended up with 3 abdominal incisions, and one less ovary. I woke up in SO much unbelievable pain, that my body went into shock. It took an hour to get me stable and breathing ok! (I actually stopped breathing 3 times.) I will never forget waking up, and feeling like I was inside of the most horrific nightmare.

Among dealing with the tumor, I have faced other battles, such as Fibromyalgia and chronic ovarian cysts. The tumor was a very big, scary wake up call for me. I had to do something with my life!! I have little girls that need me to be here every day! I began seeing my friend Crystal Garrison sharing and sharing information on Facebook about something called SkinnyFiber. I was a bit weary at first, as there are so many diet scams on the market!! I did my research! SkinnyFiber is all natural! No stimulants! No headaches, no jitters, and no drug company made JUNK. The hundreds of before and after photo's and testimonials are what peaked my interest a bit, but most of all the amazing health benefits of SkinnyFiber. Many people do not realize that their body is not in a healthy enough state to lose weight in the first place. When the INSIDE is a mess, your bodies first reaction is to store and store it's fat reserves like a hybernating bear!

When you go through the beginning detox phase of SkinnyFiber, your body works on correcting the issues that are holding you back in the first place. Be it diabetes, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, PCOS, SLOW METABOLISM, you name it! I thought, "Hey!! That sounds like it could REALLY help me!" I was not in the greatest position to try SF, as we are living on a very tight budget! But, I talked it over with my fiance, and we took the plunge!! SF has an empty bottle 30 day guarantee. What could I lose but WEIGHT?!

I got the green light from my doctor (who by the way, loved the ingredients!) and I ordered my first bottle. I paid a one time only fee of 10 bucks to sign on as a personal distributor, and am now making money from home through a wonderful and supportive company, (In my jammies if I feel like it! Ha!) and feeling better than I have in YEARS. I am sleeping better at night, I have much more energy, and am coping with my Fibromyalgia better and better every day! I am losing slowly, as my body has many issues to correct; but am excited to share this with the world! I am down 10lbs and 9 inches after 30 days on SkinnyFiber. I gained a bit my first week as I went through detox (and hey, building muscle mass is AWESOME) and the pounds have been coming off since. My clothes are loser, and my fiance tells me every day how PROUD he is of what I am doing! I am so glad that I have taken charge of my LIFE again! SkinnyFiber WORKS!
Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee!

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